Updating existing data

The update method works is structured like the insert method, but it will update the data if the primary key already exists in the relation. If the primary key does not exist, it will retrun an error.

from nexus_python.nexusdb import NexusDB

nexus_db = NexusDB(api_key="your_api_key")

# Update data in the relation
fields = ["id", "name"]
values = [[1, "Item 1"], [2, "Item 2"]]
response = nexus_db.update(relation_name, fields, values)
print("update data response:", response)

curl -X POST https://api.nexusdb.io/query \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"query_type": "Update",
"relation_name": "example_relation",
"fields": ["id", "name"],
"values": [
    [1, "Item 1"],
    [2, "Item 2"]