Insert method
The insert
method behaves as you’d expect - it simply adds new data without
affecting existing information.
Let’s take a look at an example, then walk through and explain each piece:
from nexus_python.nexusdb import NexusDB
nexus_db = NexusDB(api_key="your_api_key")
# Insert data into the relation
fields = ["id", "name"]
values = [[1, "Item 1"], [2, "Item 2"]]
response = nexus_db.insert(relation_name, fields, values)
print("Insert data response:", response)
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"query_type": "Insert",
"relation_name": "example_relation",
"fields": ["id", "name"],
"values": [
[1, "Item 1"],
[2, "Item 2"]